Honesty, integrity & experience

We believe that each homeowner deserves nothing but the best. We only use top quality materials, every job is completed on time, and each project is backed by a our exclusive warranty.

Chatham Interior Painting Services Guarantee
  • Quote Price Guarantee

    No hidden fees; what you see is what you pay. As long as you do not change the scope of work, your quoted price is guaranteed!

  • On-Time Guarantee

    We guarantee each project will be completed on time. As long as the scope of work hasn’t changed, we will reduce the project costs by $100.00 for every day we are late.

  • 3-Year ULIMITED Warranty

    To prove to our clients that our work and materials are the best in the industry, we guarantee our clients’ projects with a 5-year unlimited warranty. *

* Deficiencies and defects visible from less than 5′ under natural linting conditions. Cracks, nail pops, provided that your indoor humidity is within 35-55%.